
The platform for dividend analysis and portfolio tracking

A platform tailored for investors to analyze and track the market and their dividend performance.

Multiple Portfolios

Keep track of all your portfolios in a single app. See the performance of each portfolio individually or combined into a single view.


Keep an eye on stocks and funds for future purchases. Get notified about big changes in price or dividend events.


Get push notifications about declared dividends, upcoming ex-dividend dates, and dividend payments for securities on your watchlist.

Instant Search

Search across a broad number of exchanges by symbol or company name. Drill down by industry or sector to compare dividend paying stocks and companies.

Join the Early Access Team

The iOS beta is free to join and use during the run up to the official launch. Try out the full set of features before it becomes a paid app.
TestFlight Public Beta

The web beta launch will be coming soon. Check back here for more updates.

iOS Beta Available Today

iPad, Mac, and Web in the future!

Browse dividend paying companies
Compare dividend yields

Browse and discover dividend paying companies. Drill down by class or industry sector and compare current dividend performance.

Track multiple portfolios
Track individual position performance

Track multiple portfolios. Measure the performance of each portfolio, position, and dividend paid. All positions are properly split adjusted based on your purchase date.

Browse dividend playing companies

Keep an eye on your top companies by creating a watchlist. Opt-in to push notifications when your top companies announce and pay dividends.

Browse dividend playing companies
Browse dividend playing companies

Instant market data, security fundamentals, and historical data going back up to 30 years at your fingertips.